Saturday, October 13, 2012

Churches and Markets?

Eric Raymond offers remarkable insight into the development processes. He advances the progression and the spread of open sources software development. He promotes open source over proprietary software. Although Raymond is persuasive in the open source development model, both paradigms of software development benefit users in different ways. Yes, open source development can provide users with overall higher than average software than proprietary software but proprietary software is capable of being of high quality than open source software. For example, consider the graphics software programs such as Maya and Houdini; these programs are extremely higher in quality then the open source counterpart Blender. Open source and proprietary software both have benefit and both provide the end users with their desired software.


  1. Indeed, they both have pros and cons. Although we have seen some open-source projects own their commercially-developed counterparts (the prime example being Firefox over Internet Explorer), it will be a long time, if ever, before we see software like Autodesk Maya be replaced by open source software. It will be really cool if it happens, but it also will have complex implications for many of us who will likely make a living working on commercial software.

  2. The problem is that interest in Blender seemed to dry up. I don't think anyone's working on it anymore, and it kind of makes sense, because there's little incentive; we're talking about extremely complex and computationally intensive software used to roll out big money from the entertainment industry. Small wonder there are few willing to put effort into it without monetary compensation.

  3. Open source software can be as high of quality as proprietary software, if it has someone backing it (like Google). The main problem with open source software is if there are people with the time and interest to contribute to it.
